Our project is called Flex2europe and the purpose of the project is to demonstrate the Flex2power technology with a pilot plant in Türkiye. The intention is to build the pilot at 2 yards in Türkiye (NORSE Shipyard and ICDAS shipyard) with quayside to the Marmara sea outside Istanbul
In the project we have partners from all over Europe (Spain, Italy, France, Holland and Türkiye). In addition to demonstrating the technology, the purpose is to spread the technology all over Europe. Two more locations – Norway and Portugal - are selected to do case studies for industrial fabrication of Flex2power.
The project will last for 4.5 years and all 19 partners will make their contribution in this project structure:
It is possible to be granted 15 mill. € from EU for this Flex2europe project. We will get the result from the EU evaluators before summer this year – fingers crossed.